The World of
Computer Networking...

Learn everything about Internet – Ethernet, IP, Routing, Switching, TCP, UDP, NAT…

Course details

12 Months

65 Lessions
and tricks

150 online
sessions & videos

Access on
mobile and TV

lifetime access

of Completion

The Complete Networking Fundamentals Course.

Learn about networking and start your journey to Cisco 200-301 Certification.



What you'll learn



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Welcome to the Complete Network Fundamentals Course! In this course, you will learn the technologies that keep the world as you know today connected and running. We cover both the fundamentals of networking as well as the topics in the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam.

Also I’ve taught hundreds of students in person in classes because during 7 years I was working as Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI).

This course is all about Computer Networking and Internet.

Understand HOW Computer Networks work and learn key Networking Protocols

Ethernet, IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, NAT, DHCP, DNS, private and public IP addresses, subnetting

If those terms are new to you – jump in and you will learn all about them with help of multiple easy-to-grasp diagrams and using multiple practice activities. Most practice activities require just your computer and program called Wireshark.

Become a master of Computer Networking!

This is one of the most complete Computer Networking Guide that includes tons of practical activities.  You could have zero knowledge about Computer Networking. All will be taught from scratch, from basic to advanced features. If you want to get deep knowledge of Computer Networking this course is for you!

We will start by taking about TCP/IP and OSI models. This knowledge is required in order to understand how different hosts communicate with each other and that all communication processes are strictly defined. This is like languages that people need to use to be able to understand each other.

Next starting from the Physical layer (bits and bytes) we will move to Data Link layer (Ethernet, MAC addressing and Switching). Next layer will be Network (Routing, IPv4, IPv6, subnetting, network masks, IP addressing, ARP, ICMP). On Transport layer we will discuss in details TCP and UDP protocols and their purpose. On Application layer I will tell you about such important protocols as DHCP and DNS that your computers and mobile phones use very often. Also I will tell you difference between private and public IP addresses and purpose of the NAT.

You will also learn how DNS(core of the hierarchical naming structure in the Internet) works and how resolution of each domain name to the IP address happens by involving DNS root nameservers, TLD nameservers and authoritative nameservers.

Also it’s important to know how routers in the Internet build their routing tables and make routing decisions. That’s why I decided to explain you some details about BGP – global routing protocol.


Take A Sneak Peek At The Content Inside The Course!

Module 1


Module 2

Download and Install Recommended Software

Module 3

Basic Networking Terms

Module 4

TCP/IP Model

Module 5

IP Addressing

In practice sections you will perform multiple practice Networking activities

During this course you will use following Applications to perform different practical activities and analysis of the Protocols and Applications

Who this course is for

Anyone wanting to
learn about networking

Computer Network Professionals



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